Thursday, October 18, 2007

Halloween Traditions

Halloween is approaching and I am having a hard time getting into the spirit of things. Halloween has always been a big holiday in the Larson family and we always have a good time with pumpkin carving, dry ice apple juice, and of course, the Great Pumpkin (who John has never heard of). I am trying to incorporate the Larson traditions with my own and was wondering if anyone had any fun Halloween activities or ideas I could use. Please leave your comment with your ideas. To do that just click on "Comments" below and comment as "annonymous" or if you have a google account sign in to comment. We would love to see posts with pictures of everyones family in their costumes eventually!


Anonymous said...

Hey Family,
I dont understand how we got the tradition watching The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and then the Great Pumpkin comes and gives the kids treats? That is confusing!
Probably because the headless horseman would have been way to scary for the little kids. I really do love that tradition-thats a good one MOM!
My tradition so far for Halloween is Brent will take the day off and go see a matinee with his friend, always a scary movie, which I refuse to do with him because I am terrified of horror films. I will stay at home and make chilli and MUMMY hotdogs. (A recipe from a Halloween cookbook Shelly gave me!) They are so yummy! You take breadstick dough (from a can) and wrap the dough around a hotdog leaving the tip of the hotdog out or uncovered, then bake. After cooking them you use Mustard and make two dots for eyes on the tip of the hotdog and then put a poppyseed in the middle of each mustard dot! Thats your mummy hotdogs! They are yummy! We dip them in mustard and ketchup!
I love it when mom bakes pumpkin seeds! She has done that for years! It's nice to have something that isnt sweet!
We get tons of trick or treaters also! I always run out of candy and have to start looking for any candy laying around my house. Does anyone else get lots of trick or treaters? I love Halloween!!!! -Susan

Anonymous said...

go to a friends house and watch a scary movie. The End Perkins

Anonymous said...

Hi family,
I remember seeing Lance and Brent and Kyle taking their pillow cases trick -or- treating instead of the plastic pumpkin head- because they were determined to get more candy than all the kids in Mesa put together. Mark must have been too little and Keith well I do remember when he brought home his trick or treating bag with a apple mixed in with the candy and as mom inspected it(as she inspected all our candy for tampering) there was a razor blade or a straight pin inside of it. I think mom even reported it to the police. (maybe someone else has a better memory of that!)
Anyhow.... at the end of the evening we would all sit on the floor and count all of our candy and then mom would tell us to pick 10 pieces out and then we would give our bags to Mom and we didn't really know what happened to them after that.
(can you imagine having at least 7 kids on a sugar high?!)YIKES!
Our family watches the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and we usually feast on the "Dinner in a Pumpkin" with rootbeer loaded with dry ice.
I really enjoyed our years in Mesa when Scott and Porter were small and when the "Halloween Ghost" came with treats. One year it was either Mark or Suzy's Brent tripping and falling in the back yard in the white ghost costume with the pumpkim still on his head. It was funny but I'm sure it hurt.
Mom always made it fun for the kids, it was a fun night for all of us.
We get alot of trick or treaters but as the boys are getting older they pull more tricks.
Happy Haunting-Shelly

Anonymous said...

Scott dressed up like a scary monster on year when he was about 6 but he really looked like a chubby bunny rabbit. (it was a costume I made for him) Collin and I got a good laugh without him seeing us.
Charli's 1st halloween was short lived. Janece and Scott had her dress up like a chicken. They were so excited for her to experience her 1st Halloween that they drove up from Provo to trick or treat in our circle. To their disappointment she fell asleep at the very first door.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I know I already posted, but I am a nerd and have nothing better to do!!! So it is Halloween Eve and I am so excited for Halloween I cant even stand it. It must be because I have a new baby- but I feel like a child again filled with anticipation for tommorrow. It is so weird!! So just wishing everyone a Happy Halloween! I cant wait to see all the great pictures...Susan